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Apr 18, 2024

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02:30 min read

Book Review: Die with Zero by Bill Perkins

The aim of the book is to help you shift focus from maximizing wealth to maximizing life experiences.

Dean McClelland

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Die with Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money & Your Life by Bill Perkins

"Die with Zero" challenges the traditional approach to financial planning and retirement by emphasizing the importance of living life to its fullest and prioritizing memorable life experiences over accumulating wealth that will very often go unspent.

The core idea is to aim to have minimal or zero money left in the bank at the end of one's life.

Philosophy and Key Messages

The "Die with Zero" philosophy encourages individuals to shift their focus from maximizing wealth to living their best possible life. It emphasizes the idea that money is a resource that should be used to facilitate fulfilling life experiences, rather than being accumulated for the sake of accumulating wealth.

The book challenges the notion of delayed gratification, advocating for squeezing out more enjoyment from one's money and prioritizing lifelong memorable experiences over simply accumulating money for the so-called 'Golden Years'.

Financial Planning and Life Experiences

Bill's philosophy involves a deliberate and intentional approach to financial planning, where individuals determine the amount of money needed for the rest of their lives, aligning it with the experiences they want to have and ensuring that, according to life expectancy projections, they can expect to die with roughly zero dollars, i.e with no savings left unspent.

According to, the key tenets of the philosophy are:

Here at Tontine HQ we like this book a lot.

We are all about maximizing enjoyment in retirement and not a day goes by without us reminding people that 'when you're dead you don't need the money'.

There is a problem though. The whole philosophy revolves around planning your spending 'according to life expectancy projections'.

What you need to understand about life expectancy projections though is that they are averages.

In simple terms this means that nearly 50% of people are going to die earlier than expected and nearly 50% of people are going to die later than expected with only a very small percentage 'dying on time' with Zero.

So how can you safely maximize your spending on life experiences if you don't really know how long you are going to live for?

Well that's where a Tontine Trust comes in.

By contributing your retirement spending money into, for example, a TontineIRA™ you then maximize the amount you are spending every month without ever risking running out of spending money.

How? Well that's simple.

As explained above, nearly 50% of people will die too soon and have money left unspent and nearly 50% will live too long meaning that their savings will reach Zero way too early.

A Tontine solves this by redistributing the leftover monies of the died-too-young to those that have been blessed by a longer life and therefore need to avoid reaching Zero for potentially many more years to come.

In our minds, Die with Zero + a Tontine Trust = The best possible retirement.

Perhaps we can inspire Bill to write a sequel:

Die with Zero, but until then, Live like a Tontiner.

Find out more.

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Tontine Trust is a fintech enabling consumer-friendly lifetime income retirement products such as the state of the art TontineIRA™ via banks, chartered trust companies and credit unions (each a ‘Bank’).

Banking, trustee and fiduciary services in the US are provided by partner Banks which are regulated in the US to act as fiduciaries on behalf of US Tontine IRA™ accountholders (‘members’).

Tontine Trust provides and operates the TontineIRA™ administration and record-keeping platform on behalf of and under the supervision of the Banks.

Tontine Trust is not a Bank or a trust company and does not provide banking & fiduciary services other than certain administrative services in a ministerial capacity as the Trust Advisors to the Tontine IRA™s.

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The choices you make or do not make around the investment of your retirement account are your own responsibility.‍ Neither Tontine Trust nor the Banks can be held responsible for any financial loss arising from your retirement choices or lack of them.

The amounts and duration of the lifetime income from the Tontine IRA™ are indicative only. By design, neither the amounts nor the duration of retirement income payments from a tontine plan are fixed or guaranteed.

Based upon many years of research and development, the TontineIRA™ platform displays reasonable best estimates of what level of income you can expect to receive over the course of your lifetime. These estimates are constantly reviewed (sometimes nightly) to incorporate any effects on expected incomes caused by changes in interest rates, investment returns, life expectancy and/or the actual mortality experience of members sharing the same tontine.

The Banks we work with are required to manage US trust assets in accordance with the Uniform Prudent Investor Act.‍

To ensure maximum security of capital and income for members, the Tontine IRA™ assets will be invested by the Banks in a basket of FDIC insured deposits such that each up Tontine IRA™ account can obtain FDIC coverage up to approximately $10m of assets per member.

Note that while the deposits made on behalf of the Tontine IRA™s are FDIC insured, the IRA accounts themselves are not a deposit or other obligation of, or guaranteed by a Bank or state chartered trust company and are not directly insured by the FDIC. Therefore they should be considered as being subject to investment risks, including a possible loss on the principal amount invested, for example when a member passes away before they have received total income in excess of their original contribution to the TontineIRA™.